
As of a recent commit the apr pools debug code is
functioning again.  I tested it with httpd-2.0 HEAD
and it works (both tried worker and prefork to see
if everything goes to the log ok).

Some hints (that probably change when we move to
a numbered system for selecting the debug mode):

If you want a debug build:
$ CPPFLAGS=-DAPR_POOL_DEBUG ./configure ...
$ make

If you want a verbose debug build:
$ make

When switching between verbose and regular, only
recompile apr_pools.c and relink:
$ rm srclib/apr/memory/unix/apr_pools.o

A tip on starting the server (when verbose debug is on):
# cd <where httpd is installed>
# bin/httpd 2>>logs/error_log

This will put all of the debug output in the log,
even the start of the server (at which time the
log isn't opened, but pools are being created).


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