On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Guenter Knauf <fua...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> 1st of all a big thanks from me that you picked this up!
> As you might imagine I'm on your side - means I love to have a
> full-automatic build without user interaction, and a resulting buildlog
> text file which I can later parse with a script for errors or success.
> I have such working fine with the current VC build stuff + VC6, but that
> doesnt work for any later VC versions ...
> please keep up your work on this - its certainly a good alternative way
> for building the windows binaries;
> I'm currently swamped with other stuff, but once I have the time I will
> certainly start playing around with the cmake stuff, and hope that I can
> help to improve it if needed.
> thanks, Gün.

Thanks for showing up :)  I'm tired of taking a beating from the
non-automated crowd :)

But seriously, there's a lot of good information in the thread about
expectations and approaches, and even in the short term (last couple of
hours) I've been motivated to revisit some of my initial cmake
implementation to get rid of a number of required settings that shouldn't
be needed for typical installations.

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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