Hey guys,

I'd like to tell about some problems i've had lately within mod_log_config. My company 
wants to use a certain cookie our product issues throughout a buying process to track 
our wanna-be-clients during their surfing to improve our buying process.

I've successfully added the %{Set-Cookie}o statement to my LogFormat directive. But 
the problem is that mod_log_config only returns the first Set-Cookie issued by the 

Do you consider that as a feature or as bug ? 

I mean, i may have overlooked something but the code from mod_log_config looks really 
clear about this : 

static const char *log_header_out(request_rec *r, char *a)
    const char *cp = ap_table_get(r->headers_out, a);
    if (!strcasecmp(a, "Content-type") && r->content_type) {
        cp = ap_field_noparam(r->pool, r->content_type);
    if (cp) {
        return cp;
    return ap_table_get(r->err_headers_out, a);

This clearly only takes the first header in the r->headers_out table with a particular 
name and doesn't bother checking if there are several ones of the same name (which can 
happen with Set-Cookie for example).

Can you guys please help me to clear this up ? Is it a bug from Apache, ot is it 
abnormal to have several Set-Cookie Headers ? 

Thanks for any insight on this particular matter ..

On the other hand, there was a post a few days ago about Regex Backreference in the 
rewrite module. That was one of my colleagues asking about a specific in the rewrite 
engine. We're quite eager to have an idea about this too .. 

Thanks for taking the time to consider us ;)

Best wishes


Chand aka Mark Villemade
Systems Engineer Hosting Department
Lycos Europe

"Stupidity might be their major competence, but the scary thing is that it's 
definitely not their major incompetence."
        chand (c), 2003

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