I would like to roll out some software to users based on apache2 under windows 98 (and 
other windows

When visiting http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/platform/windows.html I see a severe 
sounding message
+stating that support for windows 98 is incomplete.

What determines if the support is complete?

I found reference to the lack of 98 support in the status file in the root of the 
distribution. There+are a couple of bugs there.  Are there more? I had a look in the 
apache bug database for bugs
+relating to windows 9x and httpd 2.0.39 and HEAD. The criteria were quite broad, but 
+I only found
+one, bug 10435. I tried again including resolved, verified and closed bugs and 
+broadening the
+criteria.  I found thirty, twenty-five of which were flagged as duplicates. Of the 
+remaining five,
+four were resolved or closed.

Superficially, it looks like there's not too much work to be done to get the server 
ready for 9x. Is
+this so?  If not what's stopping it?  Is there no one to do rigorous testing, for 

I'll go and read through that bug list in detail now.  Comments appreciated.

(apologies if this is a double post)


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