*Joe Schaefer <http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?a=105233401000001&r=1&w=2>* writes: <http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?a=105233401000001&r=1&w=2>
> This is a feature, not a bug. The parser will stop parsing when
> it encounters malformed input (which this case is- the specs don't
> allow for empty name attributes in successful form controls). The
> form-data prior to the bad one should be in the table tho, and
> apreq_body() should return an error (not APR_SUCCESS).


I agree with the fact that apreq_body should return an error when _unresolvable_ malformed input is encountered. But in this case, nothing forbids empty names ( take a look at the html DTD ). IMHO, I think that any program must be tolerant with what it receives and strict with what it send. BTW the web browser is strict when it sends dummy key/value pairs regarding to DTD.

But, Like all others libraries I use, I usually forget the specs :) and it was just a bad surprise, not a problem at all. I just want to have the best free software.

Best regards.

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