According to the patch page, a reminder is good!

Superficially, it is easy to think of SNI as a feature enhancement. Instead, it is better to think of it as a security bug fix to SSL, at the protocol level.

The most common failure mode of any security system is that it is not used. Turned off, left out, assumed away, this has been known since the time of Kherckhoffs. SSL is no exception to this, 99% of all HTTP sites out there fail to protect this way. The first cause of the failure to use SSL for security is that https cannot be easily shared across one IP number. IP#s are a crucial, limited resource. (The second cause is certs :)

The result of these two barriers is that they encouraged SSL not to be used. Bypassed. "We don't need it that much." As this effected more sites than actually use SSL properly, there is little doubt that the overall security impact of the bug is several orders of magnitude more than any other security bug ever seen with SSL.

Here's hoping!


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