From: "Greg Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 4:51 PM

> On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 04:24:35PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> >...
> > I'm not approaching this again until I've slept on it.  I have the patch
> > essentially finished, adding a per-'dir' (proxy location, really) pattern
> > of p, with a isregex flag of r.  That's about as complicated as it gets.
> I'm not sure that I follow what the pattern thing is all about.

Regex expressions, instead of strcmp matching.  (E.g. <ProxyMatch >)

> >...
> > There will be no more 'faux' filenames.  It's either an absolute path, or
> > undefined (and irrelevant.)  A few modules will get to deal with in anyways
> > (such as mod_mime.)
> > 
> > I'll start tommorow and wrap up tommorow, so everyone can take a look at what
> > else this impacts.  But getting rid of 'specials' is the only way to clean out
> > directory_walk of all it's very heavy cruft.
> Note that r->filename and friends (finfo, canonical_filename, etc) are all
> related to the filesystem. As such, they are all completely bogus when
> you're talking about purely virtual resources (such as /server-status or
> content coming from a database). Thus, they should not be part of the
> request_rec, but instead part of a private structure to something like
> mod_filesystem. That mod_filesystem would implement the various translation
> and other fs-related items that occur.

No argument here ;)  This should work out pretty darned well, but I would argue
everyone needs to be able to access the r->filename if their module works with
'files'.  That doesn't mean every request needs an fs_request_rec member :)

> And no... I'm not suggesting this happen any time soon :-) But it will one
> day, if I can figure out how to tackle it and can set aside the time.

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