mod_rewrite creates a global mutex and serializes writes to the log file 
(if one is configured).

Maybe I'm being stupid here, but why is that?  It seems to be 
superfluous - it uses a single apr_file_write() to write a log entry, so 
operates under exactly the same atomicity assumptions as mod_log_config.  
Likewise, it uses a process-global apr_file_t * object which is used in 
the same way in mod_log_config, so must work in threaded servers 
perfectly well.

The code seems to date back to 1.3, where mod_rewrite uses an file-level 
lock (fcntl/flock) in the same place; that code morphed into a different 
kind of APR lock over the ages for no obvious reason.

I propose to remove the locking unless anybody objects.

Regards, Joe

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