
I've added another Dockerfile for ARM64 (to support native execution on
Apple Silicon, AWS Graviton, etc).

This will require another command in section 6.3.9 of Release Process [2]

Ideally, we could publish a multi-arch image [1] under a single tag,
however, this would require switching from Alpine base to Ubuntu, which I'm
not sure about. Also, we follow the existing approach with a separate
Dockerfile for s390x.

PR is ready for review: [3]

Thoughts, objections?

[1] https://www.docker.com/blog/multi-arch-build-and-images-the-simple-way/
[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/Release+Process
[3] https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/10877
[4] https://github.com/apache/ignite/issues/10876

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