Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help.
* Test with high flaky rate in master ThinClientSslPermissionCheckTest.testCacheTaskPermOperations https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7196422311341378385&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 00:41:16 21-10-2020