> but it should be supported in raw data query too.
It seems that the "align by device query" has no advantages when using alias.
E.g., 【select s1 as column1 from root.sg.d1, root.sg.d2 align by device】 also
throw exception.
Therefore, we should restrict that the from clause only has o
The vote closes now as more than 6 days have passed.
The vote PASSES with 12 +1 votes:
- 4 votes from the PPMC,
Jialin Qiao,
Haonan Hou,
Tianan Li (李天安),
Daiwei Liu,
Jinrui Zhang (张金瑞),
Lei Rui (Ray)
- 4 +1 vote from the committers,
Zesong Sun (孙泽嵩),
Kaifeng Xue (薛凯丰),
Yuan Tia
+1 from committer
I have checked:
source release:
1.Verify the existence of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files in the
extracted source bundle (Correct)
2.Running RAT(mvn apache-rat:check) (Correct)
3.Compile and build code with command(./mvnw install)(Correct)
4.Verifying th
My vote is +1 (PPMC)
I have checked following items:
Source release:
1. Running RAT(mvn apache-rat:check) (Correct)
2. Verify the existence of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files in the
extracted source bundle (Correct)
3. Verifying the signature (ASC) (Correct)
4. Verifying the has
Hi Xiangdong,
> if only one time series can be matched that starts with "root.sg" and
ends with "s1", it is ok,otherwise throw an exception.
You are right, thanks for the illustration.
> But for queries like "select s1 from root.sg.* align by device", the
cases you mentioned will never happen,
Hi Giorgio,
It is fine when using Travis-CI, as we can use `apt` to install the
dependencies first.
However, we are also using Jenkins (and the Jenkins will generate SNAPSHOT
jars, nightly, I think).
That's why I want to know whether we can also compile the related codes
with Jenkins Server.
infra has travis-ci. Ask them.
El jue., 13 ago. 2020 a las 11:54, Xiangdong Huang ()
> Hi,
> In PR[1], we can compile the c++ API of IoTDB's session interface.
> To compile the codes (on Linux), Flex, Bison, g++ are needed, but we are
> not sure whether the target Jenkins ser
In PR[1], we can compile the c++ API of IoTDB's session interface.
To compile the codes (on Linux), Flex, Bison, g++ are needed, but we are
not sure whether the target Jenkins server has installed the above software.
Does someone know how to solve this?
(Ask Infra on JIRA? or some other know
> So we have to request that *every alias input by users is matching one
series exactly.*
for a query like `select s1 from root.sg.*`, if only one time series can
be matched that starts with "root.sg" and ends with "s1", it is ok,
otherwise throw an exception.
It is fine...
But for qu