
As in 0.9.0-SNAPSHOP, we begin to provide python client (generated by
Thrift, PR#444).

Thrift will generate some .py files and these files play as a client
library for python users.

When releasing IoTDB, we have two files now: iotdb-source-release.zip, and
If we can provides these python files to users directly (rather than let
users download the .thrift file and then compile it), it could be better.
(I wonder to know do we call these pythons files as a "release" or a
"distribution", as they are generated by Thrift).

So, there are two choices,

(1) When releasing IoTDB, beside providing the above two files, we can
provide a new one: iotdb-{version}-python-client.zip

(2) Upload the python files to some package managing service, like `pip`
(similar with Maven Nexus), then users can get the python package using
`pip install apache-iotdb-client`.

If we want to upload to pip, is there any constraint from Apache?

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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