
My first year as the PMC chair will be over in two months, and while
I'd love to continue serving in that capacity it would be great if
also other interested PMC members had the same chance to learn more
about the internal workings of the ASF.

So, assuming there is interested, I propose that we adopt a practice
of rotating the PMC chair position yearly among interested PMC
members. See [1] for more information on the role and responsibilities
of the PMC chair.

I don't need a list of interested PMC members now, but think about it
and let me know before August if you're interested. The position does
come with a set of extra tasks (on average I spend something like two
hours per week on related things like monitoring extra mailing lists,
etc.) but it's all quite interesting and educational. And of course
you also get a nice VP title to put on your resume. :-)

[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#chair


Jukka Zitting

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