I'm sorry but it's not clear what you're trying to achieve.

Can you please try to express it explicitly in a story?

On 24/07/2012 17:43, Weining SHA wrote:
Hello, everyone!
Now for i want to create just one Story which can be lanched by a table of parameters, just lkie i want to veryfy the Input and Output which follow my correspndance table:
| Input | OutPut |
| Tom | A |
| Mike | B |
| Jake | C |

So with one Scenario, and this table, I want to lanch Scenario 2 times; With ExampleTable, HOW should I Do?
I want to some ideas!

                                                 Weining SHA  沙威宁
CV:http://www.doyoubuzz.com/weining-sha Etudiant 5A du Dpt. Informatique Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours Tel : +33 (0) 642060505

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