
org.jruby release management has been moved to Sonatype! I confirmed
yesterday that snapshots are working (tested with yydebug) and today
we should have central repo mirroring enabled.

yydebug has been moved to jruby/jay-yydebug to make the release
process smoother, and I have released org.jruby.jay-yydebug 1.0. Once
mirroring is enabled, it should be in maven central.

I've pinged Ola Bini about taking yecht under the "jruby" github org
and getting it released to maven. I hope to hear back today, and will
have a release out soon after.

I'm proceeding to release com.headius.jsr292-mock today, assuming I
can get the bits built.

Incremental compilation appears to be working after (bafflingly)
setting useIncrementalCompilation to "false".

Ripper code has been moved to submodule ext/ripper. This appears to
have broken Travis, so I'll look into that today.

That's all from my end for now :-)

- Charlie

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 7:11 AM, kristian <m.krist...@web.de> wrote:
> if I did not mess up travis again could you see if the current tzdata setup
> works for you ?
> -christian
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM, kristian <m.krist...@web.de> wrote:
>> this was/is working but the latest setup which does not require 2012j
>> first broke travis - for whatever reason but the current ant-maven-mix is
>> just kind of hard to debug especially if the issue is only on travis.
>> I got travis finally working but it appears that also other people see the
>> same difficulty as travis and just fixed their problems with killing the
>> tzdata thingy:
>> https://github.com/jruby/jruby/commit/70efe89a882a9937f1ee7b1c3bc6345161433acb#commitcomment-3592198
>> so I am reverting that commit since it breaks other peoples work
>> environment and I cannot debug it since I do not see the problem locally.
>> but the tzdata feature is NOT working anymore. maybe I find another way to
>> pack or wait until joda-time offers those timezones.
>> - christian
>> On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Hirotsugu Asari <asari.r...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 7, 2013, at 7:47 AM, kristian <m.krist...@web.de> wrote:
>>> > @headius could you push joda-timezones-2012j which is needed for
>>> > core/pom.xml even though it will not be packed with the shade-plugin but
>>> > needed to populate the Constants.java correctly.
>>> >
>>> > - christian
>>> I see that tzdata.version gets reset (and subsequent builds fail, due to
>>> the issue that you raise above). So I feel that we are *almost* there.
>>> But 2012j is distributed with joda-time. Is it possible to convince maven
>>> that we don't need that artifact under certain circumstances?
>>> Hiro
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