
For those who'd like to use GIT instead of Subversion to track JRuby
and Ruby progress (and the number of such users is constantly
growing), we have now *FULL* git clones of both, JRuby and Ruby
subversion repositories (with all the history from the first
revisions), and updated hourly:

Public Clone URL:        git://

Public Clone URL:        git://

Please note that the main/official repositories for both projects are
still in Subversion, and
these GIT repositories are READ-ONLY mirrors of official repositories.

What I like about git is that it makes lives of those who don't have
the "commit bit" to work sanely and comfortably,
keeping the patches in local git repository (as local branches or as
patch series with stacked git) and having convenient tools to manage
them. (Not to mention the ability to instantly switch between
branches, any revisions, and performing bisection to quickly find
which revision introduced the regression, etc). Also, the clone
process is very quick (less than 2 minutes for Ruby and 48 secs for
JRuby, and that's for *ENTIRE* history) :)


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