In the interest of making it easier for us to add specs to RubySpec,
I've made the following changes:

* The spec/mspec and spec/ruby git submodules are no more. After
updating JRuby master, you may have to scrub your .git/config to get
rid of the submodule entries. Here's an SO post that describes how to
completely eliminate submodules from your local repo:

* mspec and rubyspec have been *copied* into our repository as
spec/mspec and spec/ruby. I chose to copy specs from Rubinius's
respository, since it is the most up-to-date (rubyspec/rubyspec has
not been updated in some time).

I would like to get us back into the habit of adding specs for fixed
issues not otherwise covered, and the simplest way to do that is
probably to just commit directly to our copy. Periodically we'll sync
up our changes to RubySpec master, like the Rubinius folks do.

Updating the specs brought along with it many new tags. There's
probably a lot of low-hanging fruit there for anyone who wants to

Let me know if you have any issues.

- Charlie

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