I think it's time we bailed on the mailing list and repository at RubyForge for JRuby-Extras. It has served us well, but RubyForge is showing its age.

I just moved JRuby-OpenSSL to GitHub, and several other projects have moved as well. I propose we move everything and shut this noisemaker down:

1. Maintainers of each project should speak up whether they want to take over their project completely (handling a migration themselves) or have it moved to the JRuby GitHub account. Commit privileges will be given if the latter. 2. Any projects moved to the JRuby account will be stood up as kenai.com projects and will use the Jira for bug tracking. I'm not sure if we want them to each get a mailing list initially; funneling traffic through the JRuby lists would probably be better.

So, please speak up if you are maintaining any projects in the RubyForge jruby-extras repository.

- Charlie

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