Hello folks,

Just want to give you a quick heads up on 1.0.0.


* KIPs: we have a total of 19 KIPs accepted so far, and 10 of them have
already merged to trunk.

For those KIP contributors, just a kind reminder: please update the
corresponding web doc sections, especially the upgrade guide (
https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/docs/upgrade.html) along with
your code changes if it may affect how people can upgrade their clients /

In addition, I have proposed a KIP freeze date of Sept. 13, and a feature
freeze date of Sept. 20. So for those KIPs that still under discussion,
please keep in mind that we have about 4 weeks left to complete the vote,
and 5 weeks for those KIPs that are accepted but not yet merged into trunk.

* About open JIRAs: As usual, we have a lot:


I will start moving JIRAs out of the release as we get closer to the code
freeze deadline, which is Oct. 4th. So if you have any bug fixes that wants
to get into 1.0.0, please work with your reviewers to get it merge before

-- Guozhang

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