
- 24 new repos were added today
- Fixes have been put in place to work around GitHub's rate limits by checking said limits and waiting for them to reset, then continuing. - Additional workarounds for abiding by abuse detection rules have been made.

I am happy to report that as of today, all GitHub Issues/PRs are properly scanned on a daily basis :)

On 10/07/2019 16.25, Robert Munteanu wrote:
On Wed, 2019-07-10 at 15:48 +0200, Daniel Gruno wrote:
On 7/10/19 3:44 PM, Robert Munteanu wrote:

Can anyone please run an import of the new GitHub projects on
https://kibble.dev ? Currently some repositories are missing.

I can get around to that this week, sure thing!


Also, I see that on [1] some sources have not been synced due to
rate limit exceeded for user ID 51666742". Does this impact the
analysis of projects on the long run or does it only mean that it
be delayed by some days?

That depends...we have nearly 2000 repos on github now, and scanning
them all for changes is one of the bottlenecks we're working on (keep
mind, github allows for 5,000 API calls per hour only). It _should_
mean that some (randomly ordered) github issue/pr scans are delayed
a day or two, but I'll take a look at whether we can somehow avoid
more easily, when time permits.

Thanks for clarifying. For me personally it is perfectly fine to get
data with some delay (1-2-5 days), as I'm not looking at it in real
time, maybe once every month.



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