The Apache Knox team is proud to announce the release of Apache Knox 1.5.0!

Apache Knox is a REST API Gateway for providing secure access to the
data and processing resources of Apache Hadoop clusters. More details on
Apache Knox can be found at:

Downloads, KEYS and verification details can be found on the Releases page

The release bits are available at:

This release includes 100+ committed changes with a few new features such
as Apache Flink Dashboard proxying, Logging out from the Knox Homepage SSO
and Load Balancing to proxied services such as Apache Hive.

A number of blogs should follow, to showcase new features and capabilities.

Many bug fixes, improvements and library upgrades are also included in this

We would like to thank all of contributors who made the release
possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the
community on the dev and users lists!

--Apache Knox PMC and community

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