Re: Create Intermediate Flat Hive Table - Step 1 Ruuning all the day

2018-11-04 Thread
I am using *apache-kylin-2.5.0-bin-hadoop3* for Hortonworks. My concern is if i can fetch hive tables in kylin then why it stuck at step 1 where it need to make intermediate table in hive... I am testing very simple case 1 fact and 1 dimension with limited no of rows. I will picture today where

APACHE KYLIN - Detect bad query

2018-10-30 Thread
I am setting up Apache kylin , i configured all setting now i am and kylin is connected to hive tables. when i make cube then it show bad query detected and below logs continue all day.What could be the possible reason behind it as there is no error showing in log file *Logs are below and these