The new slogan has been updated to Kylin website: https://kylin.apache.org/
Other places will be updated in the next days. Thanks to everybody!
Best regards,
Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
Apache Kylin PMC
Email: shaofeng...@apache.org
Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingstarted/fa
Thanks to the ones who gave comments. This thread is still open for wider
discussion. I plan to update the home page in Feb, after the Chinese New
Year holiday.
Best regards,
Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
Apache Kylin PMC
Email: shaofeng...@apache.org
Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingst
Aggreed. Kylin has come a long way and now plays more than just an OLAP engine.
在 2020/1/13 12:35,“Yaqian Zhang” 写入:
With the Kylin becoming more and more powerful, it has the ability of data
More and more users use it as a data warehouse.
> 在 202
With the Kylin becoming more and more powerful, it has the ability of data
More and more users use it as a data warehouse.
> 在 2020年1月13日,11:06,Xiaoyuan Gu 写道:
> +1
> Agreed. As Kylin has been equipped with plenty of "new" functionalities and
> is capable to suit various
Agreed. As Kylin has been equipped with plenty of "new" functionalities and is
capable to suit various roles in analyzing data in large scale, a proper tag
will definitely be much helpful not only to new users who are seeking for a
suitable analyzing tool, but also to old users who want to ex
Actually, Kylin plays a much more important role than just an OLAP engine
in many Kylin users’ production environments.
ShaoFeng Shi 于2020年1月12日周日 下午8:32写道:
> Hello, Kylin developers and users, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020!
> In last month, we released Kylin 3.0, with the new Real-time streaming
> f