s of my language, and the message
I get is always the same. I've seen my permissions, and all things seems
to be correct.
[1] http://pootle.services.openoffice.org/ast/openoffice_org/edit.html
Iñigo Varela
ivar...@ubuntu.com / http://twitter.com/twitvarela
alizations and test builds: Jesús Corrius (catalán team), Suso
Baleato (Galician team), with your help, we did a dream!!
Thank you very much for your efforts, kindness and help.
Iñigo Varela, Marcos Alvarez Costales, and the rest of members of
> I hope this information will help.
> Best regards
> Marcus
> Iñigo Varela wrote:
> > Hi. Thank you to all developers who made possible OpenOffice.
> > I'm newbie in Asturian team, and maybe I'm asking something that I mu
released language packs"
Missing some requirement? Or just need to wait?
Thank you in advance, and congratulations to Irish team. I'll drink a
Guinness to your health!
Iñigo Varela.
El sábadu, 13-febreru-2010 a les 09:50 -0600, Kevin Scannell escribió:
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 5:29 AM
Marcos, o nun m'entero, o nun nos enteramos.
Dices que l'asturianu taba en RC4 & RC5
¿Nun te diste cuenta de que sí que taba en RC4 y RC5, pero en
Les llingües UNTESTED, pasen a la final pero como complementos de
llingua, y no