As a member of the Dutch Open Language Initiative 'OpenTaal' (, linked to the dutch ooo localisation group, I was directed to this new initiative.

And a nice one it is. It would contribute a lot in harvesting words. Which is my contribution to the Dutch Open language Initiative.

For now, we are harvesting words form all kinds of well-edited document-like archives, like newspapers. This new tool is promising to contribute quite a bit.

My thoughts about the design one by one:

1) All i saw so far look very good !
2) Besides collection of the words, to have the context it was added from would be nice (for judgement) 3) a one-time consent ot the user, and then automatic send at avery addition, is that feasible ? (easier for the user) A one time entering of the users specialism (like law) would be enough. 4) Is the design such that all data has to be collected on one server ? That could become huge ... And it requires further distribution of the collected data. Or is the design intended in such a way that every language/locale has a server to send the data to ? I personally think the latter is the better ... But it requires some coordination and a config file for servers/locales. 5) Upon collection the data on the server, it might be usefull to keep a track record of the words collected, using data like : - every user(or ip)-word combination stored separately, with date entered (multiple times foudn words are likely more usefull then others. date is to keep track of fashion words...

My biggest question is #4, the overall structure of the flow of the words from the user to the localisation projects. What are the thoughts/is the design in this area ?

Yours Sincerely
RJ Baars

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