Hi Olivier,

On Friday, 2009-06-12 13:25:46 -0300, Olivier Hallot wrote:

> While inspecting the sdf file posted for pt-BR I found a "weird" string in
> [ OO.o PO UI ] sc / source / ui / src.po
> globstr.src#RID_GLOBSTR.STR_HFCMD_DELIMITER.string.text
> sc    source\ui\src\globstr.src       0       string  RID_GLOBSTR  
> STR_HFCMD_DELIMITER                   13691   en-US   \                       
>         2002-02-02 02:02:02
> sc    source\ui\src\globstr.src       0       string  RID_GLOBSTR  
> STR_HFCMD_DELIMITER                   13691   pt-BR   \\n\n\n                 
>         2002-02-02 02:02:02
> Since this string is not translatable, I tried the "copy" function in  
> Pootle but I get an error "int argument required".
> How should I proceed?

The "string" actually is a backslash (doubled in the resource for
escapement). Anyway, it's a remainder of the legacy binary file format,
and having it translatable was an error. This, and probably other
STR_HFCMD_* string resources as well (to be investigated), isn't used
anymore, so the actual content doesn't matter. The resource string(s)
and the code using it should be removed in a future version.

Btw, if you didn't hijack this mail thread but would had started a new
thread using an appropriate subject instead, I might had come across


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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