#rdo: RDO meeting - 2019-09-18

Meeting started by ykarel at 15:01:09 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* roll call  (ykarel, 15:01:36)

* Train Release preparation update  (ykarel, 15:06:31)
  * CentOS7 Train DLRN builder is ready is building with stable/train
    and train-rdo branches if available else master  (ykarel, 15:06:51)
  * Status of branching is being tracked in Etherpad:-
    (ykarel, 15:07:07)
  * CBS build of non-client libs in progress, client libraries are being
    branched(train-rdo) except openstackclient and ironicclient
    (ykarel, 15:07:35)

* [ykarel] RC1 Target week(Sep 23 - Sep 27), services start cutting
  stable/train around it, promotion pipeline and check jobs  (ykarel,
  * LINK: https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/epic/1279
    (ykarel, 15:17:15)

* CentOS8 and RDO Train/Ussuri  (ykarel, 15:20:30)
  * CentOS8 planned release date- 24th September
    https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_8  (ykarel, 15:20:59)

* Chair for next week  (ykarel, 15:33:50)
  * ACTION: amoralej to chair next week Meeting  (ykarel, 15:34:22)

* open floor  (ykarel, 15:34:59)

Meeting ended at 15:41:56 UTC.

Action items, by person

* amoralej
  * amoralej to chair next week Meeting

People present (lines said)

* ykarel (63)
* openstack (8)
* amoralej (6)
* weshay (6)
* rdogerrit (4)
* jpena (4)
* jcapitao (2)
* chandankumar (2)
* EmilienM (2)
* zbr (1)
* mjturek (1)

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