Solr and Lucene rely on the OS disk cache for speedy queries.  If they
are left idle for hours while the disk is used for other purposes, the
OS will page out some of the lucene index (and it will have to be
paged back in the next time a query is received).

The best way to prevent this from occurring is to set up a periodic
automatic query using crontab that keeps the system warm.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 2:19 PM, ST ST <> wrote:
> Folks,
> We have a problem in our environment where after a system is idle the query
> time goes up from a few 100ms to 4+ seconds after 9 hours of idle time on
> the system.
> System Details:
>  - Solr 1.4 with Lucene 2.9
>  - 10 Million Index.
>  - Use MMAP for mapping the index files in memory
> Test Details:
> -  8 hour performance run with ingestion (@ 8 docs/sec) , query rate - 3
> Queries per sec.
> -  Commit is per hour.
> Issue:
> - After 9 hours of idle time (ie no queries, no ingestion ) every query
> takes 4+ seconds, subsequent queries are fast.
> I have a few specific questions:
> A. Does Lucene/Solr have internal caches which may be flushed out of memory
> when the system is idle ?
> B. What operations are done on a per term basis (example: build doc lists )
> for first time queries.
> C. Any pointers to what else may be an issue here.
> Really appreciate any help you can provide.
> ST

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