Rounding out the FamousFive with a unanimous +1 for the shared blog idea! :)

Congratulations to everyone! I'm very excited about the summer ahead :)


On 4/27/2010 10:49 AM, Zaid Md Abdul Wahab Sheikh wrote:
Thanks. It's great to finally have the chance to be a part of Apache
Mahout. Congratulations to everyone who got selected!

+1 for the shared blog idea!

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Robin Anil<>  wrote:
Congrats everyone.And a special thanks to Benson for helping us get the
slots to 5 this year :)

For students that do not get accepted into Google Summer of Code and still
ready to work on your proposal. ASF has a formalized process by which you
can work on it if you get a willing mentor from the community. It will be a
great learning experience and you will get a certification on successful
completion from Apache. Do take a look. Also its open for everyone not just
for students.

@FamousFive(The selected students :P) Would you guys be interested in
keeping track of your experiences via a shared blog. I am thinking of
setting up one for Mahout along with the website change.

Congrats again.

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