With the landing of lxdb, I always feel that there is something missing. Before 
lxdb started, I took a pen and drew what kind of database is the perfect 
database in my mind. Now that the main design goal has been completed, I still 
feel that it is not perfect. In essence, Lucene, the core of recording letters, 
is not perfect enough and cannot be split. There are still some deficiencies in 
the cloud native environment

The essence of lxdb is to integrate spark, HBase and Lucene into one product, 
just like the gourd baby that I saw when I was a perfect child. Seven gourd 
brothers merged into a big diamond gourd baby, which is more powerful. It has 
the powerful OLAP analysis ability of spark, the real-time update ability of 
HBase, and the rapid multi-dimensional filtering with the help of Lucene index, 
Roughly speaking, it is almost a perfect product, which can almost meet most of 
the scenarios in the field of big data, such as perfect distributed storage, 
distributed computing, high concurrency and flexibility. Most of the products 
on the market can not meet the technical perfection of lxdb, the timeliness of 
kudu, the OLAP performance of spark, the full-text retrieval of ES and the high 
concurrency of HBase. But the real use is that there are some very unpleasant 
places. Let me give you some examples one by one.

== Existing problems==
1. The process must be resident and cannot be used on demand
The disadvantage of Lucene and HBase is that once the service is started, the 
process must be resident. No matter whether there is query or data import, 
these processes must be hung on it
What I expect more is that like the native spark, it can start some processes 
when there are SQL queries. When these processes are not used, they are slowly 

2. Different calculations of the same data are not separated, so it is 
impossible to realize the resource isolation of calculation
Another disadvantage of resident process is that all calculations must be read 
by resident process, and most of the time tasks have priority. The response 
speed of ad hoc query task is much faster than that of batch query task. We 
want to give more and faster resources to ad hoc query task, and let batch task 
run slowly in the background

The resident process brings us a lot of trouble in this aspect. We prefer to 
separate computing, and separate different types of tasks to different 
processes, or even to different computing nodes, so as to avoid mutual influence

3. Can't split able, the computing resources used by the same data can't be 
flexibly adjusted
For the same piece of data, we often hope that a very important query needs to 
run quickly to get the result. I can allocate a lot of computing resources to 
it to get the result as soon as possible. For those unimportant tasks, we can 
allocate a few processes to run slowly, That is, it can't dynamically adjust 
and slice computing resources, it can only bind fixed processes to compute

4. Multiple systems cannot communicate with each other
Most of the time, I hope that the index format of lxdb can be more open and run 
directly in other systems without any change. Just like hive, I create a data 
table and define the parquet format. Besides hive itself, impala can directly 
access its data, Presto and spark can also access it. This system is more 

The current way of binding process between HBase and Lucene makes the data in 
lxdb of other systems can only be transferred once through the service of lxdb 
and the resident process of lxdb, which greatly affects the efficiency and 
increases the complexity of interworking between multiple systems. We prefer to 
interweave in the file layer directly through the format of type parquet 
without transfer service

==How do we plan to solve this problem==
1. we don't plan to shave Lucene

Lucene is still the king in the field of full-text retrieval and 
multi-dimensional retrieval. There are no comparison between various 
performance indicators. I have measured various data formats or database 
systems. But in this field, there is no way to surpass Lucene, and there is no 
one saying that Lucene is the level of "Wang". At present, the popular Solr and 
elasticsearch also rely directly or indirectly on lucene

2. we plan to transform Lucene

Lucene's core is inverted index, which involves the storage formats of forward 
and backward. We intend to keep these concepts and API interfaces, and the 
logic remains unchanged

But the implementation of inverted and forward row is replaced by the original 
blocktree and block compressed FDT and docvalues stored by columns. In fact, we 
find that the format of the nested column storage is very similar to the 
inverted index. Only when many people use parquet, the data storage is random, 
After we move parquet into Lucene framework, because of the ordered nature of 
inverted tables, the performance of parquet will be particularly good. 
Moreover, Lucene's original inverted table can only be single-dimensional. 
After we replace with parquet, it will become multidimensional, or stored by 

3. after Lucene is modified, the open index is not loaded into memory in 
advance. Paquet format does not involve preloading, and the opening speed of 
index without preload is much faster. It can be loaded dynamically in different 
processes according to the calculation requirements

4. after the inverted table of Lucene is modified to realize parquet, the 
inverted table is made into multi-dimensional inverted table, which makes the 
inverted table be used for further statistical analysis. Lucene is not good at 
traversing the inverted table. Because it involves the collaborative linkage of 
multiple files such as tip, Tim, Doc, pay, POS, and about 6-9 different pointer 
files are pointed to, We will find that the original Lucene will cause the 
system resources to be very high and even run up if there is a * or other 
unified retrieval. After replacing with the implementation of parquet, these 
files are unified and merged into one file. Moreover, the traversal performance 
of parquet is very good. Moreover, parquet has a layer of coarse index based on 
Lucene index, and it will jump by block, This will make the efficiency of multi 
condition merging and the combination of statistical analysis more effective 
than the original skiplist, and the original payload in Lucene does not have 
any filtering ability. Now it can be filtered through parquet. At the 
statistical analysis level, parquet will be better than Lucene in performance 
due to less random reading

5. it is easy to split table based on parquet. Originally, it was the same 
index with 10million records. I can split 10 points without one million 
records, and give them to 10 different processes to calculate, which is 
impossible in Lucene

6. achieve the real sense of read-write separation. The original HBase after 
transformation is only used to maintain data writing and process Lucene index 
merging. It will also create some lightweight real-time snapshots for queries 
to prevent the old segment from being deleted during index merging. All query 
requests are separated, which can be run in the query process in lxdb, or run 
in hive, spark, Even in impala. Because the index is parquet, it can be read 
directly by wrapping it into an inputformat or RDD

7. it is more suitable for cloud native environment

For real-time write, we only need to maintain a certain HBase process to 
maintain the continuous real-time write of Lucene index, while all queries are 
started on demand in the cloud native environment, and resources will be 
released without query. However, when Lucene generates data, there will be some 
data temporarily in memory. Here, we will consider some short-term and 
timeliness issues, This part of index can be stored in distributed memory file 
system such as alloxo or directly stored in kV system by NRT technology, but 
this is not the focus of the near future

一、            存在的问题
1.       必须常驻进程,不能按需使用
Lucene与hbase 存在的弊端,一旦服务启动,这个进程必须是常驻进程,无论有没有查询,有没有数据导入,这些进程必须一致挂在上面.
2.       同一份数据的不同计算没有分离,不能实现计算的资源隔离
3.       不能split able,同一份数据使用的计算资源不可灵活调整
4.       多个系统不能互通
二、            我们打算如何解决这个问题
1.       我们并不打算剃掉lucene
2.       我们打算改造lucene
5.       基于parquet做split 
7.       更适合云原生环境

f...@lucene.cn  yannian mu

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