On Feb 17, 2011, at 0:31, Valery Khamenya <khame...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys,

I tried several times to install PyLucene 3 on Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick" (AMD64).
I have never succeeded with it (maybe 1 hour was never enough for it).

Could someone, please, build a Debian package of PyLucene 3 for Debian 10.10?
or alternatively write a clear guide on how to do it?

If I go with shared lib model then appears one type of troubles, if
not -- others.
If I go with Sun jvm then appears one more type of troubles, if with
openjdk -- others.

What kind of troubles ?
Without specific questions, it's difficult to help you.


Guys, I would be happy with whatever path, whatever guide as for
PyLucene 3, but please definite and working.
Ideally is a Debian package! :)

Or maybe someone could make things installable via easy_install ? --
also would be great!

Thanks in advance for reply with *Cc* on me!

P.S. And yes, of course I used these links:


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