I am really sorry if it is trivial.

Why is that running the trainlogistic with different rates and passes give
me same auc and confusion matrix result on the test data. Although the time
of training increases with number of passes but seems to have no effect on
result.  I can understand that rate is the learning rate but what is the
purpose of passes?

I have split my data into 80% training and 20% Test data.
Training data size is 51000 (approx)
Test data size is 12000(approx)
Total size of the data is 63000 (approx)

I have gone through the explanations in MIA book chapter 13 but is there
any rule of thumb for deciding it?

Also, while training the model , the following output is not intuitive to
comprehend especially the last part of the output having quite a few zeros.
Any thoughts?

CLASS ~ -13.774*AON + 10.065*BALANCE + 28804.244*INDECRE +
-0.782*INDECRE_FREQ + -634.428*Intercept Term + 28804.244*MOU +
-1312.785*NO_VOICE_CALLS + -24613.959*OFFNET_USAGE + 118998.287*ONNET_USAGE
+ -634.428*RECHARGE + 118998.287*RECHARGE_FREQ + -1312.785*SMS
                 AON -13.77429
             BALANCE 10.06540
             INDECRE 28804.24420
        INDECRE_FREQ -0.78217
      Intercept Term -634.42839
                 MOU 28804.24420
      NO_VOICE_CALLS -1312.78468
        OFFNET_USAGE -24613.95945
         ONNET_USAGE 118998.28731
            RECHARGE -634.42839
       RECHARGE_FREQ 118998.28731
                 SMS -1312.78468
-24613.959449080 28804.244197092     0.000000000     0.000000000
-1312.784681776  -634.428388766    10.065402474     0.000000000
 -0.782170605   -13.774291103 118998.287306148

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