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[REPORT] ManifoldCF

Board Report, ManifoldCF PMC

ManifoldCF PMC Chair: Karl Wright (
Date: August 2012

Project description

ManifoldCF is an effort to provide an open source framework for connecting
source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum,
to target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr , OpenSearchServer
or ElasticSearch. ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target
that permits them to enforce source-repository security policies.


ManifoldCF graduated from the Apache Incubator on May 16, 2012, one day after
the latest major release on May 15, 2012.  Since then, there has been
a limited point
release as well (on May 22, 2012), and a major software release
occurred on July 13,

2012.  Another release is planned for the end of September.

Mailing list activity

Mailing list activity picked up late in July, with broad activity on
topics related to

the Web Connector, SharePoint 2010, MySQL support, and the build
infrastructure.  Dev

list comments also centered around release-related communication and voting.

I am unaware of any mailing-list question that has gone unanswered.

Committer and PMC membership

The last new committer signed on was in February, 2012.  Since then we've had
a number of offers for contribution from outside the community but insufficient
demonstrated commitment to offer committership or PMC membership to any
individual.  We are actively working to have a broader committer base,
as always,
and try to maintain an encouraging attitude towards new contributors.


We are aware of no current violations of the Apache ManifoldCF brand.


There are no outstanding legal issues that need resolution at this time.


There are only minor individual-related infrastructure issues
outstanding at this
time.  This includes a committer who did not catch the mandatory password
change on May 24 and thus lost access to his Apache account.  We are trying to
resolve the issue now that he has returned to work.



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