2013/1/2 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> The 1.1 release is mainly awaiting an HttpComponents/HttpClient 4.2.3
> release, which will be hopefully voted on shortly.  Additionally, we
> need the following before I think we are ready:
> - New release artifacts for the Solr 3.x and Solr 4.x plugins (vote
> already underway)
> - Japanese translations for the new SolrCloud functionality
> - A decision as to what to do with CONNECTORS-418, which is still
> triaged for this release (Piergiorgio?)

I have to check this, but at a first look, I don't see other ways to get
the download URL :(

> So please - vote on the plugins, and resolve/postpone any of your
> non-germane tickets, and we should be ready to roll as soon as
> HttpClient 4.2.3 is released.
> I'm also looking for volunteers to do the release engineering this
> time around.  Anyone feel like learning this?
> Thanks!
> Karl
> --
> Piergiorgio Lucidi
> http://www.open4dev.com

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