Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hi Eric,

I would happily give you my support, as education is an important topic.

Probably not enough when I see the donations level ( http://download.ooo4kids.org ) :-/

I'm still open for having OOo4Kids as an official part of the OOo project. IMHO, we have lots of funds available. Sure we have to spend them wisely, but for this years OOoCon, 300 € would have been funded, which should help most people in attending. Sure, there might be some money you need to pay yourself, but if you get a cheap flight and hotel, the 300 € help a lot.

Our point is to become independant. Sun controls everything, and this is not good for freedom. Just my opinion.

We have different views on Sun's involvement, I think. ;-) However, I still would love to see OOo4Kids as an official part of the OOo project. From your words I tend to see you are not looking into this anymore? Is this right? :-(
why ask you Florian, Eric pointed out that it is part of the education project. And the education project is a subproject of OpenOffice.org.
If that is wrong we should clarify some things...

Just my 2 cents


I'm not a phone user, sorry. And yes, would be awesome, an highly symbolic you and ben to meet together, indeed !

That would be great! I'll try to meet him, he actually lives about 20 km or so from a good friend of mine, so I can do a visit easily someday. :-) Just need to find some time...

Ok, at the end of the coming week (cannot promise, but should be ok), I'll provide you a special version of OOo4Kids (german). You'll receive more information in private (how to launch it, how to test parameters, an so on).

That's great, thanks a lot! Looking forward to testing, because I still have my problems, even with 3.2 Beta and Snow Leopard.

Plus you'll test something great : I replaced 82 icons (Sun copyrighted) to make OOo4Kids more OpenOffice.org rules respectfull. The game for you will be to find the remaining one, and to tell me ;)



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