Hi Louis,

Some weeks ago (we had lovely warm weeks here by the end April) I was sitting in a park watching a family, sort of picnicking. The children were a bit jumping, running, wanting to move further on. The father babbled something, but hardly to understand. He looked more drunk to me and indeed, in the warm sun, he soon fell asleep. The mother did not manage to keep the children with her. Maybe not smart or convincing enough. Anyhow, soon the children wandered over all corners of the park, mostly as a group, enjoying the room for their games in the sun. The mother seemed restless and looking around, uncomfortable with the children being gone and out of sight too. But she was also clearing, gathering the picnic stuff. And the man still in another world, sometimes even snoring. (Although at that time my own wife called me - some obliged shopping - I stayed a while cause this scene filled me with some laugh and curiosity.) After a while, the wife stood up after all, left to find the children. I saw her waving and calling and the children, playing their games, closely passed the picnic place. By then of course the father had woken up and with lots of noise and body shaking explained the children that they should have stayed with him, to be guided, prevent making accidents and so on. The wife shaked here head, and I could hardly suppress loud laughing.

You know, Louis. I was there as community representative in the community council, when long time contributors, important l10n groups, had severe problems with decisions taken by the main sponsor, late 2009, early 2010 (but of course not for the first time). You, named community manager, were invisible. As you were 'visible' in the community council mainly by being absent, and leaving your tasks untouched for months, years. Thus developments that already were so slow and difficult were frustrated even more. (And I even lost my patience on some moments...)

End September, as a unavoidable result of various circumstances, the larger part of the broader (not Sun/Oracle) community left... To continue working in an independent foundation, not dominated by a single vendor. To create the foundation for the community that was envisioned already so long.

Now, after the recent Oracle announcement you seem to have a sort of waken up, suddenly. But alas I do not have the impression that your new activity results in complimentary communication wrt the developers and other community contributors, that decided to continue their work in TDF. Further more, from what you write it looks as if you are not yet really aware of what is going on in TDF and around LibreOffice. The growing support of companies paying developers. The enormous growth in creative and motivated people from around the world, skilled in many different areas, helping with their knowledge and time - on a level unprecedented in ten years of OOo before.

So look: there is a vibrant community. There is a foundation that gives level playing field to corporate sponsors. There is a development process that is inviting, easy to join, and even further improved now with these goals in mind. As a result both new features and lower-level improvements come in LibreOffice rapidly, as well as a reliable release schedule with predictable quality. And more to come.

To me, and maybe I may say this as former community representative in the community council, this all makes a great base for reunification of the larger community. And you may recall that reunification, in a not to distant future, was my hope, my wish. I wrote this to the OOo discuss-list shortly after the start of TDF
   (Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 23:44:20 +0200.
    Subject: Re: [discuss] Fwd: [ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org
                 Community announces The  Document Foundation )

Oh, back to what happened in the park, on that sunny day in April: The man soon fell asleep again. And while my wife pulled to the shopping mall, I saw the woman and children having some good time together.


Louis Suarez-Potts wrote (18-05-11 23:38)

Actually, Florian and I are discussing that exactly. The days of
stiff difference are over with; were over with when Oracle renounced
OOo as a revenue source. And in their lieu, discussions of
Meanwhile, I continue to drive ODF interest, and continue to
represent OOo at ODF events; and continue to represent, as much as I
can, as energetically as I can, to the world. I have no animus toward
LibreOffice, though I do have my share of doubts; but my spirit is
stamped with OOo, its community, its goal,

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