
I mistakenly forwarded a reply to the [EMAIL PROTECTED], rather than the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. Here is my response to Charles about the OOo newsletter.



On 26 Aug 2005, at 11:23, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:

thanks for your idea. I think that graphically, the blog is much more
appealing. Nonetheless, I just wonder if the compiling of monthly news
wouldn't be more difficult.

Part of the idea was to get a more regular news-flow, that would appeal for people to visit more, and so interest visitors who would not otherwise to help contribute. This would also allow others to help with newsletter generation. Blogspot allows others to become posters (not just commenting but posting stories) as well as becoming admins for a blog. So if need be others can be given access to help out or take over if need be. In that way posters from native-lang projects could just go on and post a link to the mailing list where they have news (see the story about the japanese NL project for an example).

In some ways making the monthly news may be more difficult in the way that posting to a blog requires a slightly different style to what I have been using for the newsletter. However this would be offset in the future (if this is successful) of making much shorter to the point newsletters, with main stories, and links to additional stories of interest. This is just due to the fact that 'the newsletter is too long' comments have been coming for ever so I thought it was time for a change.

For those that like a long newsletter I'm hoping that the use of the syndication service (i think it is in ATOM format) from the blog should allow some degree of automation of dragging out all the news from a particular month. And there are all sorts of news aggregators that can do things with the feed.

Through this way I'm hoping that additional volunteers may come through to help the newsletter go weekly ;-)

However the main interest is to get more people aware of OOo news and the community in general. Just to state again that this is a test!! Any ways to improve anything will be welcomed.

With Thanks

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