
I sit here in my rather warm apartment in Toronto and read the ASF list, the 
OOo lists, the so many other lists I subscribe to and all the other texts, in 
so many other languages; and I write letters, blog posts, and so on. (Even the 
CC minutes, to come; urgent matters took precedence.)

And then I came across the wonderful poem, How do I love thee? by Elizabeth 
Barrett Browning, and I thought: This is totally inappropriate for this list. 
And then I thought of one—really one of my favourites—by Wallace Stevens, that 
is to me always appropriate, a source of discussion, controversy, beauty.….

 Anecdote of the Jar

I placed a jar in Tennessee, 
And round it was, upon a hill. 
It made the slovenly wilderness 
Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it, 
And sprawled around, no longer wild. 
The jar was round upon the ground 
And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion every where. 
The jar was gray and bare. 
It did not give of bird or bush, 

Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
Community Manager

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