

While working on a fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-212, I 
found out that the plugin is using the interface ArtifactFactory (Maven Core), 
that was deprecated as of Maven 3. The fix would need to utilize this class in 
order to create artifacts but this would add deprecation warnings.


Am I right in saying that this was replaced by RepositorySystem? Should this 
one be used for new commit code or is there a plan to fix all of the 
deprecation in the future? I'm not sure of all the possible compatibility 
consequences of using this interface instead of ArtifactFactory.


Additionally, I couldn't find a JIRA issue about the correction of those 
deprecation (only https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5782 suggesting 
improving the doc about it): should one be created?




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