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Here is an overview of the issue:
        Key: MAVEN-790
    Summary: multiproject:artifact builds do not use local project artifacts for 
       Type: Bug

     Status: Unassigned
   Priority: Major

 Time Spent: Unknown
  Remaining: Unknown

    Project: maven

   Reporter: John Fallows

    Created: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 7:51 PM
    Updated: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 7:51 PM
Environment: WinXP

Suppose I have a "multiproject" with 3 subprojects, called "api", "ri" and "tck", each 
with a current version of "1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT".

The dependencies are setup as follows:
  ri-1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT  -> api-1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT
  tck-1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT -> api-1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT

When I use multiproject plugin to build, the dependencies are not picked up as 

> maven multiproject:artifact

Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:

| Executing multiproject:artifact-callback api
| Memory: 4M/6M
    [echo] Running jar:jar for api

| Executing multiproject:artifact-callback Oracle EL RI
| Memory: 7M/9M

File...... [maven.repo.local]/plugins/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.0/
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 191
Column.... 9
The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependency:


This is happening because the api artifact is not present in the local maven 
repository and cannot therefore be resolved by the ri project.

It would be much more convenient if this multiproject:artifact goal worked without 
needing to install artifacts into the local repository.

The reactor has already figured out the build order based on the dependency chain, so 
it is already quite clear which project dependencies are satisfied by other projects 
being built during the same multiproject:artifact execution.

These specific dependencies could be overridden by multiproject during a subproject 
build, and instead point to the local target area of the corresponding peer project.

So, for example, the ri subproject ${pom} processed by multiproject:artifact-callback 
could be modified to point to "${basedir}/../api/target/api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" for the 
api dependency, instead of pointing at the local maven repository.

This would have 3 distinct advantages.

1. multiproject:artifact builds would succeed when the local maven repository does not 
contain the peer subproject dependencies.

2. multiproject:artifact builds would succeed when the local maven repository contains 
stale peer subproject dependencies previously downloaded from the remote maven 

3. multiproject:artifact builds would succeed even for peer subproject SNAPSHOT 
dependencies which would otherwise be overwritten in the local maven repository when 
the stale api SNAPSHOT jar is re-downloaded from the remote maven repository, during 
the build of the ri subproject.

Note.  This strategy would also allow multiproject:install to work for 1.0-b1-SNAPSHOT 
version, without forcing an offline build.  Requiring the build to be offline in this 
case is inconvenient because other dependencies cannot be downloaded on demand to the 
local maven repository.

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