
Pumping this out to the list, since I don't have time to flood JIRA, and some may be answerable beforehand or get taken care of before the import. I'll take responsibility for collating this and any responses, retesting against the final imported code, and getting into JIRA (Which will need to first be reviewed for validity against the new codebase anyway).

Here are the issues I've encountered so far:
    - [ ] doesn't build OOTB because of missing dependency on rt.jar. I
          don't understand the need for this (it worked after removing
          it), but if it is required on some platform it should be done
          like in it0063 (I think that's the one - with the system
    - [ ] doesn't build on versions of Maven < 2.0.7. Needs a
          prerequisite in the parent POM.
    - [ ] craps out on first use due to missing ~/.m2/archetype.xml
          (see [1]).
    - [ ] tried creating ~/.m2/archetype.xml with no content, and then
          with <archetype/>, and neither worked. All error messages
          were different, but both unhelpful. For those playing along
          at home, it's <archetype-registry />. See [2] and [3] for
    - [ ] I ran... "mvn archetypeng:create -DartifactId=foo
          -DgroupId=bar" and got prompted with:
          Choose group:
          Choose a number: :
         (so, two problems here - it's still prompting by default,
          and there's no error handling on whatever should be
          determining the choices here)
    - [ ] I progressively added settings to the command line and it
          kept prompting - so it's not using any defaults for version,
          package, archetype*Id.
- [ ] create-from-project seems to look in ~/m2/archetype.xml (note the missing '.')

Some stuff/outstanding questions from before that needs to be rechecked (most already had been answered, just still on the todo list - see <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
    - [ ] Design
        - [ ] Carlos pointed out ARCHETYPE-38 wasn't in there, which
              was on archetype trunk
              We need to review whether anything else has
              happened on trunk that is not in here due to the rewrite
        - [ ] currently the archetype descriptor is required, however I
              believe that sensible defaults could be derived making it
        - [ ] The archetype descriptor seems like it's plugin
              configuration as well as the descriptor for inclusion -
              this seems to be a bad overlap
            - [ ] I need to review this some more for my own
            - [ ] I was led to believe create-from-project required an
                  archetype descriptor to work - I would have thought
                  the information could be gathered and any remaining
                  configuration became plugin configuration so the full
                  descriptor is generated instead of hand crafted.
        - [ ] I still need to look more closely at create-from-project
              - it doesn't produce the acftual bundle when run so
              there's no way to take the generate sources and produce a
              JAR to release. It makes it a once off activity.
        - [ ] We need some documentation on how to use partial
    - [ ] Code
        - [ ] Should the interactive part of create-from-project that
              generates the properties file be a separate goal from the
              one that produces an archetype?
        - [ ] not all the archetype bundles have been converted to the
              new format (and are omitted from the parent pom modules
        - [ ] we previously agreed to remove the model from
              archetype-common and just use normal code - it's not
              read/write anywhere
        - [ ] Don't necessarily agree with the module structure - we
              should completely split out the actual archetypes, and
              make -core the top level
        - [ ] Not sure of the need for a clean goal
            - [ ] archetype.properties should be in target,
                  automatically cleaned up, or not used at all (not
                  sure why it is needed yet - seems to be inter-mojo
                  configuration which can be achieved in other ways -
                  see below)
        - [ ] I think it'd be better to compose the execution stages of
              various calls to components rather than orchestrating
              mojos in the lifecycle - I don't see the usefulness of
              the mojos independent of the lifecycles they are declared
              in so it's unnecessary complexity (unless I'm missing
              something?). Looks particularly weird on create and
              create-from-project (empty mojo)
        - [ ] I think the interactivity should be externalised rather
              than conditional via the true/false flag on some methods
        - [ ] having the available languages hardcoded into Constants
              is a problem
        - [ ] It might be nice to separate the maven-artifact related
              pieces from archetype-core: ie, so you could use the
              archetype api just by providing a jar file reference with
              no repository interaction
        - [ ] PathUtils seems like it could be replaced with something
              from commons-io
        - [ ] ListScanner is another duplication of code from
              plexus-utils - is there no way to reuse that?
        - [ ] various other exception / javadoc / code style stuff as
              Raphaƫl pointed out

Thanks for pushing this along... happy to plough through some of this once the code lands.

- Brett


Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/brett/.m2/ archetype.xml (No such file or directory)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106)
        at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:55)
at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.readArchet ypeRegistry(DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.java:98)


Caused by: java.io.EOFException: input contained no data
at org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser.fillBuf (MXParser.java:2979) at org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser.more (MXParser.java:3022) at org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser.parseProlog (MXParser.java:1407) at org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser.nextImpl (MXParser.java:1392) at org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXParser.next (MXParser.java:1090) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.registry.io.xpp3.ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Read er.read(ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Reader.java:748) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.registry.io.xpp3.ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Read er.read(ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Reader.java:762) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.readArchet ypeRegistry(DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.java:102)


Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException: Unrecognised tag: 'archetype' (position: START_TAG seen <archetype / >... @1:13) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.registry.io.xpp3.ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Read er.parseArchetypeRegistry(ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Reader.java:418) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.registry.io.xpp3.ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Read er.read(ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Reader.java:751) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.registry.io.xpp3.ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Read er.read(ArchetypeRegistryXpp3Reader.java:762) at org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.readArchet ypeRegistry(DefaultArchetypeRegistryManager.java:102)

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