More FYI
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/08/2003 
11:14 AM -----

"Roy T. Fielding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/08/2003 07:14:23 AM:

> > As far as I can see, doing an import (which I understand to simply 
> > referring to a class and using its methods) does not create a 
> > derivative
> We've already gone over this many times.  Java doesn't work that way.
> It isn't sufficient to read the LGPL (intended for static compilation)
> and then do a mental translation to what any sensible person thinks it
> should say for a late-bound-by-name language like Java.  If you just
> read the text as is, linking by name does cause it to be a derived work
> covered by section 6 because the module and method names have to be
> copied into the executable. The FSF has confirmed that interpretation,
> which is consistent with their licenses not being sensible in the
> first place.
> Serge, licensing the API using a ASF/BSD/MIT/Artistic-style license
> is sufficient to allow ASF java code to import those names.  I would
> still caution against creating a dependency on the presence of an
> LGPL work, but as long as the API is licensed such that others can
> create alternative implementations it should be okay.
> There are also ways to use LGPL libraries such that the core code
> is invoking a generic API rather than the API covered by the LGPL,
> but I assume Maven already knows about that.
> ....Roy
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