[jira] [Created] (METAMODEL-144) Automate generation of source and packaged distributables

2015-05-25 Thread Alberto (JIRA)
Alberto created METAMODEL-144: - Summary: Automate generation of source and packaged distributables Key: METAMODEL-144 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METAMODEL-144 Project: Apache MetaModel

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Metamodel 4.3.4

2015-05-25 Thread Alberto Rodriguez
Hi Kasper, I see, it is really manual indeed ;) I've just created the zip and uploaded to dist.apache.org: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/metamodel/metamodel-4.3.4/packaged/ I'll open a jira issue about automating this. Kind regards, Alberto Rodríguez V

Re: [VOTE] Apache Metamodel release 4.3.4

2015-05-25 Thread Tomasz Guziałek
Hello Alberto, That's alright :). Thanks for taking the trouble of releasing, good job! Best regards, Tomasz Sent from Samsung Mobile Original message From: Alberto Rodriguez Date:24/05/2015 10:56 (GMT+00:00) To: dev@metamodel.apache.org Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache Metamodel

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Metamodel 4.3.4

2015-05-25 Thread Kasper Sørensen
Hi Alberto, No, it is a manual task, as in really manual ;-) I basically make a folder locally (most of the stuff is available in "full/target" folder after a build/release) that I zip and use command line tools to generate the sha1 and md5 hashes etc. Kasper 2015-05-25 11:01 GMT+02:00 Alberto R

[jira] [Commented] (METAMODEL-129) Implement Solr Data Connector

2015-05-25 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METAMODEL-129?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=14558369#comment-14558369 ] ASF GitHub Bot commented on METAMODEL-129: -- Github user ashish-m-yh commented

[GitHub] metamodel pull request: Fresh PR for Sor

2015-05-25 Thread ashish-m-yh
Github user ashish-m-yh commented on the pull request: https://github.com/apache/metamodel/pull/19#issuecomment-105260918 METAMODEL-129: Commited --- If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your reply appear on GitHub as well. If your project does not ha

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Metamodel 4.3.4

2015-05-25 Thread Alberto Rodriguez
+1 to the automation. I've just double checked the previous versions of the distributables and found out that both 4.3.3 and 4.3.2 versions do not have the packaged version. Did you use mvn package to generate the 4.3.1 packaged zip? 2015-05-25 9:19 GMT+02:00 Kasper Sørensen : > Hmm yes somethi

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Metamodel 4.3.4

2015-05-25 Thread Kasper Sørensen
Hmm yes something's there to improve both in our automation of the release and the release docs. I always just assembled the "packaged" zip manually... I guess we should probably make a JIRA issue about automating that and documenting how/where to upload it. 2015-05-25 8:53 GMT+02:00 Alberto Rodri