Dear MetaModel community,

I want to let you all know of the state of the MetaModel PMC, which needs
help in order for us to continue to operate as an active Apache project.

I have personally been reconsidering my role as PMC Chair [1] since I feel
that I no longer have the sufficient energy to operate as a chair for this
project. I would be very happy to continue as a member of the PMC, and to
help someone else take over the chair duties. But in the @private list for
MetaModel's PMC it has not been possible to find a replacement.

Last week we conducted a roll call to see which PMC members are still
active and willing to continue the PMC work. This unfortunately only
resulted in us recognizing that a few people would not be able to
contribute any more. We did not establish the required three active PMC
members that is required for us to operate in the Apache way.

So now we will either need to populate the PMC with at least three members
who are interested in this task, or else we should recommend moving the
project to Apache Attic [2]. Note that we will not accept complete
newcomers to the project to the PMC, but in the case that there are folks
on this list who have made contributions, or existing PMC members who did
not respond initially but are having second thoughts, then please come
forward and we will see if we can reboot the MetaModel PMC.

Thank you all in advance.

Best regards,

[1] Overview of the chair duties can be found here:
[2] About the attic move:

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