Dear MetaModelers,

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has made it onto the list of accepted
organizations for Google Summer of Code 2019! [1, 2] In this email I'm
passing on the information for folks who would like to engage in it.

If you would like to mentor for this event, this is your chance. If you
aren’t already subscribed to you should do so
now else you might miss important information.

Mentor signup requires two steps: mentor signup in Google's system [3] and
PMC acknowledgement.

If you want to mentor a project in this year's SoC you will have to

1. Be an Apache committer.
2. Request an acknowledgement from the PMC for which you want to mentor
projects. Use the below
template and *do not forget to copy*. We will
use the email adress you
indicate to send the invite to be a mentor for Apache.

PMCs, read carefully please.

We request that each mentor is acknowledged by a PMC member. This is to
ensure the mentor is in good
standing with the community. When you receive a request for
acknowledgement, please ACK it and cc

Best regards,

mentor request email template:
to: private@<project>
subject: GSoC 2019 mentor request for <mentor name>

<project> PMC,

please acknowledge my request to become a mentor for Google Summer of Code
2018 projects for Apache

I would like to receive the mentor invite to <email address>

<custom content>


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