IMO we should create a "codec" module not depending on core (perhaps only
for tests) with codec API, base codec (cumulative stuff and textLineCodec).
Each "big" codec like http or ldap should have it's own module.
What do you think ?

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny <>wrote:

> Le 1/14/13 1:26 PM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> > I wasn't thinking about making MINA 2 Codfec stuff comatible with MINA 3
> > ones, just wondering how we share the framework independent  API.
> > If you want to use the codec, with.. let's say plain
> > blocking stuff. It would be stupid to depend the whole MINA3 core ?
> Sorry, I misunderstood.
> The pb is that we depend on the IoSession, which may contain environment
> parameters that are necessary to proceed.
> Typically, in ApacheDS, we store the partailly decoded message as a
> Session attribute.
> However, we can use a ConcurrentMap for that purpose, but that requires
> we change the IoSessionAttributeMap interface so that we gat access to
> the Map.
> Btw, currently, we protect the Map using locks : why don't we use a
> ConcurrentHashMap instead ?
> --
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny

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