
I have recently completed SSHD-904 and SSHD-905 that provide the option to
make sure that transferred data is synchronized with the local file system
(a.k.a. 'fsync'). This makes sure that if another process accesses the
updated files shortly after having been copied/updated either through SFTP
or SCP then the data is up-to-date.

My question is this:

The initial implementation activates by default this behavior (where the
user can easily re-configure it as disabled) - however, I am having
second thoughts whether it should be the default. Perhaps it would be
better to
have the default=false (i.e., no 'fsync') and thus preserve backward
compatibility with version 2.2.0 behavior.

On the other hand, it may be the case that users are unknowingly
experiencing 'fsync' related issues that often manifest themselves as
"corrupted" files when processes other than the one doing the SCP/SFTP
attempt to access a file too soon after it has been updated.

I would welcome your feedback on what you think the default behavior should

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