I guys,

I fixed the Notice and LICENSE files so that we (hopefully) are on line
with The ASF rules.

- First of all, I renamed the files to NOTICE and LICENCE (removing the
- The Notice file does not  contain anything but a reference to The ASF.
There is no required notice in any component we could bundle, either in
source or binary packages
- There are two LICENSE files : one for the source package (LICENSE) and
the other one for the binary package (LICENSE-bin). The second one
contain the licenses of the external dependencies we bundle in the
binary package (namely SLF4J and protobuf)
- The LICENSE-bin file will be renamed to LICENSE in the binary package

The distribution poms (bin.xml and src.xml) have been modified to
correctly embed the required N&L files.

I hope I haven't missed anything...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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