>> I would like to know if there are anyone that can point me in a
direction of
configuring the:
Session Timeout and the Session readBufferSize when using SSHD.
I followed the 5 minute guide and got a server running. I can login and
everything works.

There are several configuration options involved:

* FactoryManager#IDLE_TIMEOUT controls timeout if no SSH packets are
received (default=10 min.)
   In order to keep the session alive there are several mechanisms in place
- see relevant section in documentation

* FactoryManager#NIO2_READ_TIMEOUT controls low-level socket timeout
(default=10min + 15 sec.)

* FactoryManager#NIO2_MIN_WRITE_TIMEOUT controls low-level write timeout -
although I fail to see how
playing with it would increase throughput since it only indicates how long
the sender is willing to wait for the
sent packet to be successfully transmitted. It won't help to have either
short or long timeout since the peer
influences the actual wait time.

* For NIO2 low-level socket options see Nio2Service#CONFIGURABLE_OPTIONS -
which allows one to
configure the socket read/write buffer - I am not sure you want to meddle
with them, but they're there

>> But I have problems with speed when sending/uploading files to the

Please be more specific about what problems exactly are you having - in any
case, please note that:

* SSH is inherently slower than "normal" copy due to the encryption and
protocol overhead

* There are differences between SFTP and SCP - which one are you using for
send/upload ?
       SCP if faster for whole files, while SFTP is tailored for
fine-grained support (e.g. resume a failed upload/download)

* Have you tried activating the compression option of SSH - for large text
files it is a definite throughput improvement

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