
Hope you can help the headache this is giving me.....

Basically I am trying to write a custom PPR tag with Trinidad (1.2.9). My tag 
though displays #{topteaser.currentText} while an outputTag tag using PPR in an 
identical way is working just fine. I guess I am missing some configuration 
option as I have tracked through the code and got to a line which goes 
getValue(bean) which for my tag returns "#{topteaser.currentText}" and for the 
outputText returns "start", "hello", "goodbye" as I want. As I see it (and I 
may be wrong) it is not the actual PPR (configuration) that is wrong but the 
fact that my tag has not correctly intepreted #{topteaser.currentText} as being 
an expression rather than just a chunk of text.

I have reduced by Tag to something quite simple - which simply extends 
CoreOutputText (and CoreOutputTextTag). I have specified virtually nothing in 
the code as you can see below.

package org.cage.myfaces.tags.teaser;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.output.CoreOutputText;

public class UITeaser extends CoreOutputText {

        public UITeaser() {


         * Construct an instance of the CoreOutputText.
        protected UITeaser(String rendererType) {



package org.cage.myfaces.tags.teaser;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.taglib.core.output.CoreOutputTextTag;

public class TeaserTag extends CoreOutputTextTag {

          public TeaserTag()


In the WEB_INF/teaser.tld, I have

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"; 
                <description>The outputText component supports styled text.

The rest of the <tag>...<tag> is copied straight from the outputText 
<tag>...</tag> definition from Trinidad

In the JSP I have

<%@ taglib uri="http://www.promt.me.uk/development/JSF"; prefix="cage" %>
<tr:poll id="myPoller" interval="1000" 
<cage:teaser value="#{topteaser.currentText}" partialTriggers="myPoller"/>
<tr:outputText value="#{topteaser.currentText}" partialTriggers="myPoller"/>

"topteaser" is defined as.....


and contains the code....

package org.cage.myfaces.teasers.beans;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.PollEvent;

public class TopTeaser {

        private String[] text = new String[] {"hello", "goodbye"};
        public String currentText = "start";
     * default empty constructor
    public TopTeaser(){   
    public String getCurrentText() {
        return currentText;
    public void setCurrentText(String currentText) {
        this.currentText = currentText;

    public void doSomething(PollEvent event)
        currentText = 


How simple can you get?

Any pointers would be gratefully received.

Thanks & Regards
Christopher Biggs

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